Heat treatment

The Instal machine park also includes electric furnaces. They are used in the following processes:

Vacuum impregnation

Thanks to the furnaces, we can impregnate the windings with better electro-insulating varnishes, those that require heating in order to harden them. Using a computer programme, we record the temperature and heating time of impregnated transformers and coils. This allows us to guarantee the adequate hardening of the varnish inside the windings without dismantling the product to check the degree of hardening.

Shrinking heat-shrinkable sleeves

Another application of the furnaces is shrinking heat-shrinkable sleeves on the connection cables produced in our company. Such shrinkage of more details at once is much faster than the traditional shrinking of each piece individually with a heat gun. It also ensures process repeatability which is difficult to achieve with a traditional heat gun.

Sheet annealing

A separate type of furnaces owned by Instal are high-temperature furnaces, which allow the batch to be heated to the temperature of over 1000 ° C. Thanks to the annealing process carried out in them and the slow cooling of the electrical steel, we get rid of all the kinds of stresses arising during the process of its mechanical processing.

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